EfA SL provides relevant knowledge and baseline information to policy makers, public officials, media, CSOs and communities on delivery of education services and the situation of targeted communities through participatory research projects. We always support our claim with the processes of situational analysis/ needs assessment, instructional and policy design, planning, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
EFA SL endeavors to empower communities and other stakeholders in education adavocacy through contextualized training and capacity building activities. We provide technical knowledge on various public programs and social issues to target groups as well as skills in various researches, engaging government, social audit etc.
The Education For All Coalition occupies a huge space in the representation of Civil Society by demonstrated advocacy and campaigns actions for the sole objective of policy influencing in the national resource allocation to the education sector, civil participation, transparency, and accountability processes. The has work and will continue to work with the parliamentary committee on education in leveraging our campaigns at their level for policy influencing on education. The Coalition also seat at the Local Education Group (LEG) representing CSOs in education, which is the biggest policy making point on education in Sierra Leone. The coalition also endeavors to ensure issues related insufficient and poor-quality teacher training; teacher deployment, quality of teaching and learning are made manifest and achievable in the Free Quality School Education flagship programme through advocacy and policy influencing at all levels.
The EFA-SL communication approach tends to apply the following priority strategic areas: quality and inclusive education, transformative education, capacity building and partnership development, education financing, transparency and accountability, gender, and WASH in education. The approach is also focused on amplifying issues around education in Sierra Leone and at the global level. To facilitate effective communication, EFA-SL is currently using major social media handles and traditional media (print and electronic) so as to populate it at all levels in order to support the strengthening of the education movement.
In facilitating all of this, the coalition has a communication strategy and undertakes communicationbased capacity building for its staff and members. EFA's communication strategy is mostly reviewed by members so that it can respond to the current happenings within the sector.